Vincent Pontorno

Early Black Friday Deals are available for Consortium members now!

As the pages in our calendar continue to flip closer to the holiday season, we here at Inked Gaming are preparing for our annual Black Friday fun. And for some, it’s already begun! 

Our Consortium members have access to a variety of exclusive deals, discounts, points, and perks throughout the year. These perks can definitely come in handy, especially during the holidays, when we’re gearing up for Black Friday. One such perk is already active for all of our loyal Consortium customers. 

We usually wait until November to start dropping Black Friday points and perks for Consortium members. But this year, we’ve decided to get an even earlier start by making early Black Friday deals available in the Consortium dashboard right now!

If you’re a member of our Consortium loyalty program, here are some of the exclusive discounts you can expect to find in your dashboard:

  • 30% OFF board games for 10 points
  • Additional 15% OFF 48 × 24 mousepads for 100 points

  • We plan on adding to this list over the next few weeks, so keep your eyes open for updates as they are made available. Again, these early Black Friday deals are for Consortium members only. With that said, we like to see all of our closest followers take advantage of these early deals, and other upcoming perks, while they still can. 

    If you’re not signed up for our Consortium program yet but have thought about joining, now is the time to take the next step. It’s easy to become a Consortium member. Just head over to our sign-up page, fill out all the necessary info, and you’ll be on your way to earning exclusive perks that will pay dividends in the long run.

    You’ll also be able to earn points (Sand Dollars) through each purchase you make on our site, which can be banked and used towards some of our higher-priced items. So, if you’ve had your eye on a valuable item that would make a great gift for you or another gamer in your life, those earned Sand Dollar points can come in handy as well.

    Talk soon!


    Team Inked


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