Vincent Pontorno
Magic: The Gathering’s D&D Honor Among Thieves Secret Lair is available now!
Shortly after their worldwide premiere on the big screen, the adventurers from D&D: Honor Among Thieves have made their way onto a set of MTG Secret Lair cards that can be ordered right now! Just like previous MTG Secret Lairs, the cards in this D&D drop present us with vibrant, amazing art that makes the movie's main characters look even cooler. That means spellcasters everywhere will have the opportunity to add Chris Pine, Hugh Grant, and Michelle Rodriguez to their decks!
The Honor Among Thieves Secret Lair features six cards, which are available in both foil and non-foil finishes. All six cards present one key character from the film, each with their own unique skill sets and abilities. These six cards feature the following adventurers from the movie:
- Xenk, Paladin Unbroken (Rege-Jean Page)
- Simon, Wild Magic Sorcerer (Justice Smith)
- Forge Fitzwilliam, Neverwinter Charlatan (Hugh Grant)
- Holga, Relentless Rager (Michelle Rodriguez)
- Doric, Nature’s Warden /Owlbear Avenger (Sophia Lillis)
- Edgin, Larcenous Lutenist (Chris Pine)
All six character cards are Legendary Creatures and represent the five Magic colors (green, blue, black, red, and white). Only the Edgin character card has a combination of two of the main colors (red and blue), while the others represent one color. Here’s a better look at what all six cards look like together:
One other unique feature that this Secret Lair presents is the return of double-sided cards. Out of the six cards in the set, one is double-sided. Since Doric transforms into the fierce, feathered Owlbear Avenger, it’s only right that they have a double-sided MTG card, which is exactly what Wizards of the Coast did…and it was a good move!

Wizards also announced that the cards in this set will be active in limited formats and that there is a chance that they will re-appear as reprints in upcoming sets. If you head over to MTG’s official Secret Lair page, you’ll see these cards are listed for $49.99 (foil) and $39.99 (non-foil) and will remain available to order until April 23, 2023. So, you still have some time, but the sand is quickly running out of the hourglass, so to speak.
If you already ordered your D&D Honor Among Thieves Secret Lair or plan to, let us know in the comments below and give us your take on them. We would like to get your thoughts on the movie as well, so feel free to leave us your review. Also, be sure to shop through our collection of MTG-inspired playmats while you’re here and get yourself a fresh surface for your new set.
Happy Gaming!
Team Inked